All of this is good and fine but after a while the single joke goes cold and there's no question that the murder trial at the end pretty much falls flat on its face. The next moment we have her doing something super nice only to then start her murder streak. At first it's her making her kids throw away their gum and this is followed by her throwing out various profanities. The screenplay from Waters spends a lot of time showing the mom character as a squeaky clean person and then it likes to follow that up with her doing something naughty.
Serial mom cast breakfast movie#
To say this is a one-joke movie would be an understatement. Well, perhaps lackluster is the wrong word but there's no question that the film isn't nearly as funny as one would have hoped. Fans of the director will certainly find there to be the sarcasm that you'd expect but overall this is a somewhat lackluster movie.
Serial mom cast breakfast serial#
John Waters' SERIAL MOM certainly isn't a classic movie and it's not even a good one. What no one realizes is that she's also a psychopath who goes on a murder spree to destroy anyone who doesn't fit into her idea of a good person. Serial Mom (1994) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Kathleen Turner plays a sweet and loving mother from Baltimore who takes care of her husband (Sam Waterston) and children (Ricki Lake, Matthew Lillard). DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES may satirise those kinds of things these days, but SERIAL MOM got there first! This gives Waters plenty of opportunity for satirising American law and order, fame, celebrity as well as suburban life and the nuclear family. Not so here - she's discovered, and becomes an unlikely celebrity, basking in her new-found fame. In lesser hands, Turner would have successfully covered up her murders for the film's duration. What I like most about SERIAL MOM is the plot. The murder scene set to ANNIE is by far my favourite moment and one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Add in a quirky family (young 'uns Ricki Lake and Matthew Lillard are both particularly funny) and you have the scene set for plenty of unusual and unexpected laughs. Sutphin, a seemingly ordinary housewife with a sinister side: she bumps off anybody who crosses her. Kathleen Turner bags the role of a lifetime as Beverly R. I'm no fan of John Waters - in fact, this is the only film of his I've ever seen - but in this he has created pretty much the perfect antidote to the psycho-thriller genre. SERIAL MOM is one of my all-time favourite black comedies, a genre that's notoriously difficult to get right (I mean, seriously, how many good ones can you think of?). NOTE-Like many of John Waters' later films, this one features a cameo by Patty Hearst. DEMENTED, it's an interesting satire that is a way over the top look at America's fascination with celebrity and how we admire and are fascinated with anyone if they are famous-even the vile and horrific. This movie, start to finish, is very funny and a great satiric look at life in the suburbs.

Plus, this is one of the few Waters films you can watch with your kids-provided they are older and not terribly impressionable! Kathleen Turner turns in her best performance as a combination between June Cleaver and Ted Bundy-complete with the pearl necklace. However, this is NOT to say that SERIAL MOM is normal-just a lot more normal than these earlier flicks.

So if you are looking for the ultra-low budget over-the-top films starring Divine, you may be disappointed that this film has a lot more polish and higher production values. Unlike Waters' earlier films, which were meant for a niche audience (i.e., weird people-and I don't mean that derogatorily). This is probably one of John Waters' most approachable films for the mass audience-along with CRY BABY and HAIRSPRAY.